- Prune the roses in pots as indicated before. Turn the rose pot along with the plant upside down.
- Ask some one to hold the rose plant with the soil and give a little jerk. the whole soil mass along with the plant will slip out of the rose pot.
- Allow the roses along with the soil mass to rest on the ground. remove crocks or pebbles from the bottom, cut with a secateur or sharp knife the long and thick roots trying to come out from the soil mass.
- Scrape off a little soil from all sides of the soil root mass. Clean the rose pot and cover the drainage hole of the rose pot with a layer of crocks or pieces of pebbles or bricks.
Prepare a fresh quantity of soil-manuare mixture as mentioned earlier. Transfer the rose plant along with the remaining soil mass to the rose pot following the procedure given under ' Planting Roses in Pots '. Sprinkle over the surface a layer of one handful of oilcake (about 25kg) or activated sludge. The other practices will be as discussed under ' Management of Potted Rose '.
You can have a good quick review of what you have learnt from the below...
To have advanced lessons on How to Grow Healthy and Beautiful Roses Click here!
You can have a good quick review of what you have learnt from the below...
Step 1: Type of Roses : Knowing the varieties of roses which are potted.
Step 2: Planting Roses : Choosing a correct pot size and the way of planting roses in pots.
Step 3: Fertilizing Roses : How to get the best organic rose fertilizer for the potted roses.
Step 4: Soil for Roses : How to prepare soil for potted roses.
Step 4: Soil for Roses : How to prepare soil for potted roses.
Step 5: Rose Management : Cleaning, rotating, weeding to be done at time regularly.
Step 6: Caring for Roses : Learn how to care for a potted rose or potted roses.
Step 7: Repotting Roses : Get to know, how to repot roses in pots.To have advanced lessons on How to Grow Healthy and Beautiful Roses Click here!