Repotting Roses : How To Repot Potted Rose?

The roses should be repotted every third year. Towards the end of autumn when the day temperature has come down, arrange for repotting roses. This should preferably be done by the middle of October at the time of pruning.

  1. Prune the roses in pots as indicated before. Turn the rose pot along with the plant upside down. 
  2. Ask some one to hold the rose plant with the soil and give a little jerk. the whole soil mass along with the plant will slip out of the rose pot
  3. Allow the roses along with the soil mass to rest on the ground. remove crocks or pebbles from the bottom, cut with a secateur or sharp knife the long and thick roots trying to come out from the soil mass. 
  4. Scrape off a little soil from all sides of the soil root mass. Clean the rose pot and cover the drainage hole of the rose pot with a layer of crocks or pieces of pebbles or bricks.

Prepare a fresh quantity of soil-manuare mixture as mentioned earlier. Transfer the rose plant along with the remaining soil mass to the rose pot following the procedure given under ' Planting Roses in Pots '. Sprinkle over the surface a layer of one handful of oilcake (about 25kg) or activated sludge. The other practices will be as discussed under ' Management of Potted Rose '.

You can have a good quick review of what you have learnt from the below...

Step 1:  Type of Roses : Knowing the varieties of roses which are potted.
Step 2:  Planting Roses : Choosing a correct pot size and the way of planting roses in pots.
Step 3:  Fertilizing Roses : How to get the best organic rose fertilizer for the potted roses.
Step 4:  Soil for Roses : How to prepare soil for potted roses.
Step 5:  Rose Management : Cleaning, rotating, weeding to be done at time regularly.
Step 6:  Caring for Roses : Learn how to care for a potted rose or potted roses.
Step 7:  Repotting Roses : Get to know, how to repot roses in pots.

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Caring for Roses : How to take proper caring of potted roses?

Caring for Roses from Pests and Diseases

  1. If the potted rose are kept in a clean environment and well ventilated and sunny place, there is not much problem with pests and diseases. Be very careful about Red Scale. 
  2. Remove the infected rose pots in an isolated corner, lest other plants are infected. Dip a piece of cotton or cloth in rectified spirit and rub it off clean. 
  3. Similarly, if any symptoms of infestation with Powdery Mildew are observed, remove immediately the rose pots with affected rose plants in a n isolated sunny place and spray with an emulsion of 'Karathane' or 'Benlate' or 'Bavistin' in water. 
  4. Keep these potted rose isolated till summer season sets in. After pruning, sprinkle one teaspoonful of BHC over the soil in the rose pot and fork it lightly. 

Summer Care

After the main blooming is over, cool weather has bidden farewell and summer season is fast approaching, it is time to take special care of the rose plants in pots and protect them form hot sun. Remove the rose pots to a partially shaded place, continue watering regularly. During hot summer, particularly when the sunshine is scorching, withdrawal of water even for a day will be met with disaster. If necessary, water both in th morning and evening particularly if the roses in pots on roof terrace. If the top of a new shoot droops, this is sure indication of water stress. Immediately water the roses in pots and give the leaves and shoots a nice waterbath by spraying water. Be very meticulous not to add any manure or fertilizer during summer. removal of suckers, faded flowers and weeds should be practised regularly. This is the time to save the rose plants.

Monsoon Care

During the days of high rainfall, there is hardly any need to water the roses in pots, but be sure that there is adequate moisture in the soil. Removal of suckers, fallen leaves, faded flowers and weeds should be continued.

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Now that you are familier with most of the tips and tricks and resources. We must not forget about Repotting of Roses.

Potted Rose Management : How to manage potted roses?

Rose management is a very important for potted roses to bloom and maintaining its beauty. Take care of these rose management tips given below for effective management of roses in pots.
  1. As soon as new shoots start emerging, shift the potted rose to the sunny place of the garden. 
  2. The best pace of growing roses in pots is the south-east of the building or sunny part of the garden.
  3. The potted roses should receive sunshine at least for six hours a day, preferably in  the forenoon. 
  4. The roses in pots should be kept in a clean environment. 
  5. There should not be any dumping of household refuse or dirt which may attract insects. 
  6. Renove regularly the fallen dry leaves in and around the rose pots.

Watering the Pot Roses Regularly 

The plants will now show signs of getting established and a number of new shoots will come up. When the shoots are about 10 cm long and there are sufficient leaves on the shoots, spread a thin layer of farmyard manure/activated sludge/bonemeal on the surface and go on watering as usual, When the temperature has cooled down sufficient;y, sprinkle about a gramme of urea ( one teaspoonful of urea weighs 8 gm ). here personal judgement is necessary. But use urea less rather than more. repeat the dose of urea after a fortnight if the plants do not show appreciable vigour. if necessary, give the plants foliar spray with urea.

Manuring the Roses in Pots 

Water the rose plants regularly. Depending upon the weather conditions, it may be required daily or at suitable intervals of two or three days. Push your forefinger 2 to 3 cm below the surface soil of the rose pot, if the soil sticks to your finger, there is no need for watering the plant, if not water the roses in pots. About 2 mugfuls of water are usually required for each rose pots. If after an hour, or even earlier, water starts outflowing through the drainage hole, then watering has been adequate. In summer, watering the roses in pots is needed daily, sometimes twice a day, once in the morning and other in the evening. As a rule of thumb, watering should be done in the afternoon or evening.

After the first flush of blooming is over sprinkle a handful (say about 25g) of oilcake (castor cake preferably), broken into small pieces over the soil in the rose pot around the stem. Water the roses in pots as usual. Occasionally say once in a week, loosen the sirface soil, taking care not to disturb the soil more than one cm deep. An unserviceable screw driver will do the job nicely. If you find the plants are not showing signs of healthy growth form the appearance of the foilage, sprinkle half a teaspoonful of fertilizer mixture over the surface soil away from the stem. Once in a fortnight, give the plants a foliar spray with urea (0.2%) along with a spreader (soap flakes, det surf). Spray on both sides of the leaves. do not give any foliar when the flower buds have started opening.

Removal of Suckers

You should be vigilant for any suckers coming out from the rootstock. They should be snapped off or pinched off from the point of origin.


Removal of weeds, just like suckers, should be done regularly. when the soil is wet after watering, pull out by hand the weeds along with their roots.

Rotating the Rose Pots

Once in a fortnight, rotate the pots in a semi-circle, i.e., bring the rear side of the plant to the front.

Cleaning the Drainage Hole

It is a good practice to look occasionally into the drainage hole for clogging by the fine soil practices, carried down along with the drainage water. remove with a stick the dirt which might have accumulated there,


If the plants are very vigorous with long stems, it is better to put stakes along with the drainage water. remove with a stick the dirt which might have accumulated there.

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After all the hardwork you have done in growing potted roses. You must be able to take propoer caring for roses during different seasons.

Soil for Roses : How to Prepare Soil for Roses?

Except saline and alkali soil for roses, any soil can be used for potted roses. The rose pots can be filled with soil of any texture, from sandy to clay. However, clay loam is the best soil for roses in pots. Select a corner of a cultivated field or garden where there is good vegetation or grass cover. Dig with a spade or shovel the surface soil up to 15cm in depth and transport the quality of soil which will be sufficient for potted rose. On a rough estimate, the weight of earthenware rose pots of different sizes will be approximately as follows:

Size of pot (cm) (inner diameter at top)         Weight of soil (kg)
                  20                                                             4
                  25                                                             6
                  30                                                             10
                  35                                                             12

One bucketful (commonly used water buckets of 4 gallon or 18 litre capacity) of soil for roses will be sufficient for two rose pots of 30 cm size.
Spread the soil on a clean surface of the garden or compund and allow it to dry completely in the sun for a few days.
Remove the gravels, pebbles, crocks, brick pieces and concretions, if any and pulverized soil through wire mesh sieve with about 2mm opening and colect the portion of the soil passing through the sieve.
Heap the soil in a corner.

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Once you have plotted the roses in pots, we must have the right idea about Management of Roses in pots. So here we go

Fertilizing Roses : How to use Organic Rose Fertilizer effectively?

The correct choice of fertilizer for fertilizing roses is of great value. Organic Rose fertilizers provide required nutrients, the benefits of organic fertilizers are significant. So fertilizing or roses must be done in a proper and effectve way.

  1. Organic fertilizers and manures are must for roses in pots. Farmyard manure of good quality is the best for pot roses. The other alternative is well digested compost or activated sludge. 
  2. Remove the stones, pieces of bricks and glass, pebbles, if any. 
  3. Break the lumps and mix it thoroughly with hand or spade. More finer the organic manure, better will be mixture with soil. 
  4. If none of the above manure is available, obtain cattle dung from a local dairy and dump in a shallow pit ( 30 - 35cm) in the corner of the garden and cover with a layer fo dry soil (2 to 3 cm) and sprinkle DDT/BHC insectiside powder over the surface.
  5. After two months this manure can be used for mixing with soil. Small quantities of other manures, viz. castor cake or any other oil cake and bonemeal should be kept handy. Small quantities ( about 1kg each)  of urea, single superphosphate and sulphate/muriate of potash will aslo be required.
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The next important step is to choose the right type of soil for roses in pots. So lets move on to next lesson

Planting Roses : How to plant roses in pots?

Choose a Right Pot for Planting Roses

According to me, potted roses can be plant satisfactorily in rose pots, 30 cm in diameter and 30 cm in height. For Mininature roses, 20 to 25cm pots will serve the purpose. We should remember that bigger the size of the pots, larger will be volume of soil available to the roots, more vigorous will be the plants. But the bigger the potted rose will create more problem for shifting, rearrangement and repotting and planting rose plants.

Earthenware rose pots with drainage hole at the bottom, either in the centre or at the side can de produced from the market which is essential for outflow of drainage water through percolation. absebce of which in pots will result in the death of roses in pots as they they cannot withstand waterlogging and lack of aeration. Look for cracks and deformation in the rose pots and reject the defective rose pots. Clean the pots with a piece of cloth and water to remove any sticking foreign material. If the old rose pots are used, they should be cleaned with water throughly in the sun. Number the rose pots with black or white paint.
Cement or stoneware rose pots can also be used. Metallic drums or cans must be given protective inside coating with anti-corrosive bituminous paint. However, the earthenware rose pots are the best for growing rose plants as these pots are porous in nature, hold water for longer time and do not become very hot during summer.

Planting Roses In Pots

Take the numbered rose pots one by one. Cover the drainage hole with a layer of small pieces of crocks, pebbles or stones.Fill about 1/4th to 1/3rd of the rose pot with soil -mix, prepared earlier and compact it slowly but firmly with the back of your fist or the wooden handle of a hand-trowel.
Take out the roses having no. corresponding to the no. of the rose pots. Held the earthball in your palm and carefully allow it to rest on the compacted soil-mix in the rose pot; holding the roseserect with ;eft hand, look for the position of bud union. The bud union should be a little above the level of the rim of the rose pot. Adjust the position by adding or removing soil-mix in the rose pot. In some budded plants, the bud union may be much above the surface of the earthball is just 2 to 3 cm below the level of the rim of the rose pot. Holding the rose plant erect with your left hand, fill up the gap between the earth ball and inner surface of the pot with soil mix, adding small portion at a time and compacting it slowly but firmly. Go on adding soil-mix till surface of the soil-mix is about 2-3 cm below the rim of the rose pot.
Shift the pots to the shaded corner of the garden or compound, Pour water with the help of a watering can or mug to fill up to the rim and wait. First, plenty of water will be absorbed by the dry soil-mix quickly. Repeat the process till water stands on the surface in the rose pots at least for a short period. After some time, water will flow out through the drainage hole. that is an indication of adequate watering of planted rose pots. Continue watering the pots for three or four days and subsequently accoeding ti the need at a suitable interval depending upon the weather conditions, If the spot where the rose pots are kept after planting the rose is quite sunny, cover the plant for 3 to 4 days with old newspaper in the form of a cone or with a canopy of cloth. Follow the same procedure for the remaining roses.Take out the plants only when you can plant them immediately.
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Its time for us to learn about the Fertilizing Roses and Organic Rose Fertilizer

Types of Roses : Potted Rose Varieties

How to choose from large no. of rose varieties?

The first prerequisite of successful growing of potted rose is the choice of suitable types of roses or rose varieties. 
In the case of Hybrid Teas, the choice is rather limited in the sense that one should gainfully choose those rose varieties in which plants are dwarf, balanced, erect, upright and compact in growth character, but not robust and too tall. (like 'Golden giant'
Color and shade of potted rose is another consideration which will depend on personal choice and type of rose you select.
In case of Floribundasm will grow nicely in rose pots of suitable size. However it is not suggested to select those types of roses which are very vigorous and tall(e.g. 'Pink Parfait','Queen Elizabeth') and those which branches are disorderly fashioned (e.g.'Zambra') 
Polyantha and Miniature roses are ideally suited for growing in pots. One must look into the character of the plant and flower before making a selection. 
A few rose varieties are mentioned below as a guidance for the beginners.
  • Hybrid Teas : Buccaneer, Careless Love, Christian Dior, Confidence, Dr. Valois, First Prize, Flaming Sunset, Ganga, Gulzar, Kanakangi, Lady Frost, Michele Meilland, Montezuma, Picture, Poornima, Srinivasa, Surabhi, Surekha.
  • Floribundas : Arunima, Charleston, Chitchor, Flamenco, Frolic, Iceberg, Mohini, Orange, Sensation, Prelude, Prema, Princess Michiko, Rumba, Sadabahar, Shabnam, Shola, Zorina.
  • Polyanthas : Anjani, Chattilon Rose, Echo, Priti, Vatertag.
  • Miniatures : Angel Rippon, Baby Masquerade, Canady Cane, Chandrika, Chipper, Cindrella, Cri Cri, Dark Beauty, Dazzler, Dazzling Flame, Dwarf King, Fine Princess, Glorigo, Green Ice, Janne, Little Buckaro, Little Flirt, Mary Marshall, Pixie, Pushkala, Rosmarin.
  • Climbers : Cocktail, Joseph's Coat, Prosperity.
This list of types of roses is just indicative, not exhaustive. There is plenty to choose from varieties of roses. One should start in a modest way with a few rose pots only gradually increase the number of potted roses as well as the number of different types of rose varieties.  

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Now, that you have got a nice and fair about varieties and kind of pot roses available. We must move to our next lesson on Planting Roses in Pots 

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